Merc Driver Without Licence Crashes Head On Into Lorry

Story By:  Gheorghi CaraseniSub Editor:  Joseph GolderAgency: Central European News


This is the shocking moment a Mercedes driver without a licence overtakes a car on the hard shoulder before weaving through the traffic and ploughing head-first into an oncoming lorry on the other side of the road.

The incident was filmed on 5th May on the P-22 Motorway in the western Russian region of Ryazan Oblast and the footage has been widely shared on social media.

According to reports, the Mercedes owner did not have a driver’s licence.

In the dash-cam video, a car is seen overtaking the filming motorist on the hard shoulder before weaving across to the other side of the road to pass the two vehicles in front.

However, the Mercedes driver apparently does not realise that a lorry is approaching and he drives head-first into it.


The wreckage then hits the filming driver’s car which appears to roll several times.

According to local media, the unnamed Mercedes driver died on the spot.

Three people were reportedly injured, the two women in the filming car and the lorry driver who was carrying asphalt at the time of the crash.

The current condition of the three injured motorists is unknown.

The investigation is ongoing.