7 Fans Fall From Stands After Jumping On Railing

Story By: Juan Mayes, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyGolder’s News And Sport

Video Credit: Golders

This is the moment seven fans holding a banner in the stands during a top-flight Colombian match fall to the tier below leaving one of them seriously injured.

During a match in the top-flight Colombian league between Atletico Nacional and Rionegro Aguilas, seven fans holding a banner fell from the stands halfway through the first half in the southern stand of the Atanasio Girardot de Medellin Stadium located in the city of Medellin in the Antioquia department in Colombia.

The video shows the moment fans are cheering when a group of supporters holding a banner are seen falling from the stands after the railing in front of them gives way.

Picture Credit: Golders

Local media report six of the fans were treated by medical staff in the stadium but one who has not been identified by local media, suffered an open fracture to one of his legs. It is unclear which leg the fracture occurred in.

He was reportedly taken the Leon XIII Clinic to receive treatment.

Director of the Administrative Department for Risk of Disasters of Medellin, Camilo Zapata Wills, made a statement condemning the supporters’ behaviour in the stadium as they were seen jumping on the railings which is what reportedly caused the accident.

The statement read: “They were making improper use of some banners hanging from the top part of the railing, the banner seemingly did not hold them and they fell to the bottom stands.

“We remind fans that the railings are not made to be jumped on or stood on much less to hold yourself up with banners. We recommend supporters to behave appropriately and not put their lives at risk.”

The match resulted in a victory for home side Atletico Nacional after Daniel Munoz scored the only goal of the match in the 35th minute for the 1-0 victory.

Atletico Nacional are first in the league with 33 points while Rionegro Aguilas are 12th with 22 points.

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