Read more about the article Cops Find 200ft Tunnel Leading To Bank And Arrest 7
Pic Shows: The tunnel to the bank; Brazilian cops have discovered a 200-foot tunnel leading from a warehouse to a bank that was intended to be used in an alleged robbery plot.

Cops Find 200ft Tunnel Leading To Bank And Arrest 7

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Brazilian cops shot two robbers dead when they discovered a 200-foot tunnel leading from a warehouse to a bank. The 60-metre (197-foot) tunnel was discovered in the city of Campo Grande in the central-western Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul and the…

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Read more about the article 7 Thugs Caged For 292 Yrs Over Murder Of Activist
Pic shows: Berta Caceres Seven men have been sentenced to between 30 and 50 years for the murder of award-winning environment activist Berta Caceres in Honduras.

7 Thugs Caged For 292 Yrs Over Murder Of Activist

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Seven men have been sentenced to between 30 and 50 years for the murder of award-winning environmental activist Berta Caceres in Honduras. According to local media, The Supreme Court of Justice in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa in central Honduras sentenced seven men…

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Read more about the article 7 Fans Fall From Stands After Jumping On Railing
Pic Shows: The fan falling down; This is the moment seven fans holding a banner in the stands during a top-flight Colombian match fall to the bottom stands as one suffers a serious injury.

7 Fans Fall From Stands After Jumping On Railing

Story By: Juan Mayes, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Golder's News And Sport Video Credit: Golders This is the moment seven fans holding a banner in the stands during a top-flight Colombian match fall to the tier below leaving one of them seriously injured. During a match in the top-flight Colombian league between Atletico Nacional…

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