Story By: Amelia Guran, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@ru_chp
This is the moment a 20-year-old BMW driver slams into a shop wall at high speed.
The incident was filmed in the village of Pestretsi in the district of Pestrechinsky located in the south-western Russian republic of Tatarstan at around 11pm.
According to local media, the unnamed driver was seriously injured in the accident and is being treated in hospital.
He was reportedly accompanied by a 21-year-old passenger who has also been hospitalised with unspecified injuries.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the police said that the 20-year-old driver is a repeat traffic offender.
Reports did not mention if the BMW driver was racing another vehicle at the time, although footage shows him speeding alongside a white car in the moments leading up to his crash.
In the clip, a small group of people is seen running out of the way of two approaching cars that are momentarily side-by-side.
As the white car slows down before approaching the junction, the BMW keeps going and slams into a wall at high speed.
According to reports, the police have seized the damaged car and opened an investigation into the accident.
Netizen ‘Alisa Moga’ said: “His brains failed, not the brakes!”
‘Ivan Poliv’ commented: “Tough guys from Pestrechinsky!”
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