Story By: Madalina Spulber, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
This is the 13-year-old boy genius who died after plunging from a fourth-floor banister as he raced to get his results after taking part in a maths competition.
Picture Credits: CEN
The tragic event occurred at Hotel Rusca in the city of Hunedoara located in southwestern Transylvania in Romania where competitors in the national maths olympiad were staying.
Local media report the boy, named in reports as Matei Paraschiv, was sliding down the bannisters on the stairs in the hotel as he made his way down to the ground floor where the results were being announced.
Reports state Paraschiv became distracted and fell 11 metres (36 feet) from the fourth-floor bannister to the floor below in front of his fellow competitors.
When paramedics arrived the boy was unconscious and had several fractures to his skull, according to reports.
He was taken to in an induced come to a hospital in Timisoara where he underwent emergency surgery.
However, Hunedoara County Police later released a statement reading: “Unfortunately, the medical staff from Timisoara said that the 13-year-old boy has died.”
Paraschiv, who was attending the olympiad with his father, did not live to find out he had won third place at the national competition and he would have received a bronze medal in front of Romania’s Minister of Education.
He was one of the leading students at Vasile Alecsandri National College in the city of Galati in Galati County.
His classmates are said to be in shock at his tragic death and an investigation has been launched into the incident.