Young Mum Throttles Baby To Death And Stages Scene To Look Like Break-In

A 20-year-old mother has reportedly confessed to strangling her own baby because she thought her husband did not want him before staging the scene as a fake robbery.

The two-month-old boy, named Bryan Henrique Sousa Veronez, was found asphyxiated at his home in a rural area of the municipality of Ecoporanga in the south-eastern Brazilian state of Espirito Santo on 13th December.

The baby’s father told the police that he left home early in the morning to milk the cows and that he came back to find his wife’s hands and feet tied and his baby son dead.


He told the police he had been receiving threats via letters slipped under his front door.

The couple was taken to the police station where the 20-year-old mother told officers that two suspects broke in through the window, suffocated her baby, and then tied her up and blindfolded her.

However, her story fell through when the police found no evidence of a break-in at the property, and the mother, who has not been named, then confessed to the crime.

She told the police she suffered from postnatal depression and that she killed her own son because she thought her husband did not want him.


The police believe the crime was premeditated and that she had forged the threatening letters.

The previous week, the father filed a police report because someone put poison in the baby’s bottle. The police now believe the mother was responsible.

The young woman was arrested on suspicion of homicide and falsifying evidence. She has been placed in preventive detention.

The police do not currently suspect the baby’s father of involvement in the crime.

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