Story By: Lisa-Maria Goertz, Sub-Editor: Joana Mihajlovska, Agency: Newsflash
A woman in her 30s involved in a love triangle with her sister and a man twice her age has been arrested for burning him alive when he refused to marry her.
The incident was reported in the jurisdiction of Cuartel V in the eastern Argentine province of Buenos Aires.
According to the newspaper Cronica, the 34-year-old detainee, identified as Hilda Gonzalez Bogado, is being investigated for the murder of 62-year-old Eloy Tapia Rosales.
The authorities first thought the fire had started from natural causes, but General Rodriguez of the Departmental Directorate of Investigations (DDI) took charge of proceedings and announced the investigation had changed to “aggravated homicide”.
The authorities arrested Bogado, a Paraguayan national, and said she showed various inconsistencies in her story, making her the prime suspect.
According to the newspaper El Pais, the woman had been having an affair with Rosales, who was her sister’s civil partner, and is believed to have killed him because he refused to marry her as he had promised to do.
The suspect went to see Rosales at his house where they argued violently, after which she reportedly got him drunk, locked him in the house, and set it on fire on 23rd January.
The suspect’s sister Alba Gonzalez Bogado told the newspaper Seminario Actualidad: “My sister has my husband’s mobile, she saw him the last time before he died.”
The investigation is ongoing.
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