TOXIC SHOCK: Top Secret Iranian Missiles Doc In Poisoning Mystery

Story By:  Ana MarjanovicSub-EditorMichael Leidig, Agency:  Newsflash

An Iranian rocket scientist who was working on developing top-secret missiles and drones has been found dead in mysterious circumstances.

Ayoob Entezari died on Tuesday, 31st May, just one day after the death of a colonel from Iran’s elite Quds Force was announced by the Islamic Republic.

The unit is part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and is responsible for overseas missions.

Ayoob Entezari (pictured) an Iranian scientist who worked on developing missiles and drones at an R&D centre in the city of Yazd, died under mysterious circumstances on 31st May 2022. (Newsflash)

His death was the second from the same unit in just two weeks.

Before Dr Entezari died, he was allegedly working on new missiles and drones at a research and development centre in the provincial capital of Yazd.

The scientist had graduated from the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran with a PhD in mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Ayoob Entezari (pictured) an Iranian scientist who worked on developing missiles and drones at an R&D centre in the city of Yazd, died under mysterious circumstances on 31st May 2022. (Newsflash)

According to some reports, Dr Entezari had returned home following a dinner party with food poisoning symptoms.

His condition worsened and he later died in hospital, while the person who had invited him to the dinner party swiftly fled the country.

Other reports suggested he was assassinated by Israeli’s national intelligence agency Mossad.

Ayoob Entezari (pictured) an Iranian scientist who worked on developing missiles and drones at an R&D centre in the city of Yazd, died under mysterious circumstances on 31st May 2022. (Newsflash)

The judicial authorities of Yazd Province, however, said Dr Entezari was just an ordinary employee of an industrial company and died in hospital due to “illness”.