Story By: Michael Leidig, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
Video Credit: AsiaWire
This is the moment a crouching tiger is filmed emerging from the jungle and crossing a main road before leaping over a crash barrier on the other side.
The video was filmed at the Chorbahuli crossing on National Highway 7 which is located near the city of Nagpur, located in India’s Maharashtra state.
It shows the wild cat suspicious of the car which has stopped on seeing the big cat emerge from the jungle, and then eventually deciding the vehicle is no risk and padding across one side of the two-lane motorway. The tiger then leaps the central reservation and dashes across the other side to safety.
Pictures Credit: AsiaWire
The footage which has gone viral has once again reignited debate over the way animals are being forced out of their natural habitats by further development.
When the four lane road was built, it was originally planned that an almost 10 km stretch would be covered allowing wildlife to cross without the risk of causing an accident.
But after the main road was built going through the Pench tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh, the Indian National highways authority announced it could only afford to make a 1 km covering. Then a short while later in 2015, that was further downgraded just a few much shorter bridges with some foliage in the hope that the wildlife might still use it to cross.
But as can be seen from the video, for the adult tiger, it was clearly not an option.
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