Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@bazabazon
This the moment a teacher is secretly filmed repeatedly hitting a young non-verbal child with special needs in Moscow after the school psychologist hired a private detective.
The incident was filmed in the western Russian capital Moscow after school psychologist Elena Podnebesnih suspected the teacher of showing aggression towards special needs students, who are reportedly non-verbal and unable to complain about her actions.
When Podnebesnih suspected that the teacher, identified as Elena Turasova, was showing aggression towards her students, she contacted a private detective to uncover the truth, according to local media.
Reports said that the school psychologist’s suspicions were proved correct on the first day of the investigation, when hidden cameras captured the teacher allegedly being aggressive to her non-verbal students.
In the footage, Turasova is seen hitting a young child’s head and back while apparently trying to explain a written exercise to the student. Other footage allegedly shows the teacher pulling students by their hair, beating them with a ruler and hitting them across the face.
Reports said that other videos show the teacher hitting children with a stick for not putting their hands on the desk.
After viewing the footage, Podnebesnih contacted the local authorities to report the teacher, according to local media.
However, despite the videos being made public on social media, the teacher continued to work at the school for at least another week.
It is unclear whether the institution has taken any action in the meantime.
The local authorities have confirmed that they are investigating the matter.
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