Read more about the article OAP Shoots Abusive Hubby In Face, Tries To Grind Up Body
Pic shows: The place where the incident took place was cordoned off. ARGENTINA: An elderly woman has been arrested for murdering her husband and trying to dispose of the body with a grinding machine.

OAP Shoots Abusive Hubby In Face, Tries To Grind Up Body

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN An elderly woman has been arrested for murdering her husband, who allegedly beat her, and trying to dispose of the body by grinding it up into tiny pieces. According to local media, 62-year-old Mafalda Beatriz Secreto went to see her brother at around 7pm in the town of…

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Read more about the article Wife Crashes Into Cadillac, Flips It Over As Hubby Roars
Pic shows: The overturned Cadillac. CHINA: This is the moment a husband barking instructions at his wife from the passenger seat causes her to panic and slam into a brand-new Cadillac in the opposite lane, flipping it over.

Wife Crashes Into Cadillac, Flips It Over As Hubby Roars

Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report; Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a woman driver slams into a brand-new Cadillac causing it to flip after crashing through a barrier as her hubby shouts from the passenger seat. The accident happened on Wolong Avenue in the city of…

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Read more about the article Man Breaks OAP Womans Back For Saying Wouldnt Find Wife
Pic Shows: Zhou pushing Zhou Meilan over; CHINA: This is the moment a cabbie shoves an elderly street cleaner to the ground fracturing one of her vertebrae after she accused him of having poor temperament and said he would never find a wife.

Man Breaks OAP Womans Back For Saying Wouldnt Find Wife

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a cabbie breaks an elderly street cleaner's back by shoving her to the ground after she said he would never find a wife during an argument. Zhou Meilan, aged 70, is now suing the taxi driver Mr Zhou, who…

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Read more about the article Diabetes Man Burns Wife Alive In Row Over Insulin Shot
Pic Shows: The victim Slavica Ludman; SERBIA: A diabetes sufferer has been arrested for setting his wife alight and burning her to death because she refused to help him with his insulin shot.

Diabetes Man Burns Wife Alive In Row Over Insulin Shot

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN A diabetes sufferer has been arrested for burning his wife to death after she refused to help him inject his insulin shot. The shocking incident took place in the town of Mol in the northern Serbian district of North Banat when the 47-year-old victim, identified as Slavica Ludman, was…

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Read more about the article Jealous Husband Murders 3yo Stepson To Punish Wife
Pic Shows: The stepfather identified as Bilal T. beat the boy to death but claimed that he was hit by a motorbike; TURKEY: A jealous husband has been arrested for killing his three year old stepson pictured here and then claiming the boy had been run over by a motorbike.

Jealous Husband Murders 3yo Stepson To Punish Wife

Picture Credit: AsiaWire This jealous husband has been arrested for killing his adorable three-year-old stepson to punish his wife. The murder happened in the Konak district of Izmir province in Turkey where the man identified only as Bilal T., frequently flew into a jealous rage that resulted in him beating…

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