Read more about the article Wailing Woman Ghost Appears In Treetop And Spooks Locals
Pic Shows: The shadow believed to be the crying ghost; This is the spine-chilling moment a ghost-like figure - believed to be the folkloric ‘Weeping Woman’ - wails loudly from a treetop and reportedly left residents too scared to leave their homes.

Wailing Woman Ghost Appears In Treetop And Spooks Locals

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN This is the spine-chilling moment a ghost-like figure local believe is the terrifying ‘Weeping Woman’ is heard as she wails loudly from a treetop leaving people too scared to leave home. In Latin American folklore, ‘La Llorona’ (‘The Weeping Woman’)…

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Read more about the article Wailing Boy Snags Toes Under Escalator Panel
Pic shows: Firefighters freeing the boy's foot from the escalator. This footage shows a wailing boy whose toes have been caught under an escalator’s floor panel after his grandad tripped and accidentally shoved him over.

Wailing Boy Snags Toes Under Escalator Panel

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage shows a wailing boy whose toes were caught under an escalator’s floor panel after his grandad tripped and accidentally shoved him over. The boy, whose name and age have not been reported, was…

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Read more about the article Wailing Woman Saved From Car Caught In Snow As Pals Die
Picture Credit: CEN

Wailing Woman Saved From Car Caught In Snow As Pals Die

Video Credit: CEN Picture Credit: CEN This is the moment a wailing woman is rescued from a car after spending a day in the vehicle when it became caught in snow and her two male companions died of hypothermia trying to find help. Georgina Onate, 32, was reported as missing…

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