Read more about the article Cruel Landlord Wants To Evict Woman After Hubby Tried To Blow Her Up
Bayram Celik 32, who set up a bomb system on the door of Hacer Celik's house, because she wanted to leave him. (Newsflash)

Cruel Landlord Wants To Evict Woman After Hubby Tried To Blow Her Up

A woman whose ex-husband planted a bomb in front of her house is being kicked out by her landlord as he is worried about his property being damaged. The incident happened in the south-central Turkish town of Urgup in the central Turkish province of Nevsehir after jilted lover Bayram Celik,…

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Read more about the article Turkish Killer Of Greek-Cypriot Activist Posts Snap With President Erdogan
Kenan Akin on a picture with Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (Newsflash)

Turkish Killer Of Greek-Cypriot Activist Posts Snap With President Erdogan

The suspected Turkish killer of Greek-Cypriot activist Solomos Solomou in 1996 who proudly admitted he would do the same thing again if given the chance has posted a snap of him posing recently with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. During the Turkish president’s controversial visit to the northern Turkish-occupied region of…

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Read more about the article Turkish Gardener Finds Incredible 4-Layered Egg Like A Russian Doll
The 4-layer egg found in a garden in Adana. (Newsflash)

Turkish Gardener Finds Incredible 4-Layered Egg Like A Russian Doll

A Turkish man has found a four-layered egg in his back garden that resembled a Russian-doll effect. Gardener Tahir Tayboga found chicken feathers and an egg-like object next to it at his property in the district of Seyhan in the south-eastern Turkish city of Adana. Slightly confused, he inspected the…

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Read more about the article Mystery Over Bloodsucking Vampire Bat From Brazil Found In Turkish Mans Henhouse
The vampire bat living in Brazil seen in the garden of a house in Tarsus district of Mersin. (Newsflash)

Mystery Over Bloodsucking Vampire Bat From Brazil Found In Turkish Mans Henhouse

Experts are baffled as to how this nightmarish hairy-legged vampire bat from Brazil was found thousands of miles away in a Turkish garden where it was nabbed after feasting on a man's chickens. Poultry owner Imadettin Soyleme, whose age was not given, was suspicious after finding four of his chickens…

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Read more about the article Bus Driver Facing 6 Years For Row Over No Face Mask
Bus driver Ali Osman T. , refused to wear a mask and didn't let the passenger Tugba Kocer get out of the bus. (Newsflash)

Bus Driver Facing 6 Years For Row Over No Face Mask

Cops had to intervene to rescue a woman bus passenger after she was kidnapped by the driver and he refused to let off when she videoed him driving without a face mask. Tugba Kocer had climbed on the 297 public bus line travelling between the Turkish districts of Mamak and…

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