Read more about the article Cops Probe Mystery Death Of Former Miss World Model, 24, Found Dead In Italy
Layla Costa, 24, a models with Face Models, was woman was found dead on in Bologna, Italy, 1st November. (@dacostalaila/Newsflash)

Cops Probe Mystery Death Of Former Miss World Model, 24, Found Dead In Italy

Cops in Italy are investigating the mysterious death of this beautiful young model and former Miss World contestant whose lifeless body was found in a residence in Bologna. Layla da Costa, 24, was in the capital of Italy's northern Emilia-Romagna region for work through the Lisbon-based agency Face Models with…

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Read more about the article Mystery Over Blood Covered Body Of Man Who Flew from Italy To Turkey For A Routine Hair Transplant
İTALYA'DA KUAFÖR OLAN 27 YAŞINDAKİ İBRAHİM GÜL, SAÇ EKTİRMEK İÇİN GELDİĞİ İSTANBUL'DA ÖZEL BİR HASTANEDE AMELİYAT ESNASINDA HAYATINI KAYBETTİ. (DAVUT HAS - MEDENİ TOPALOĞLU/İSTANBUL-İHA) İtalya'da kuaför olan 27 yaşındaki İbrahim Gül, saç ektirmek için geldiği İstanbul'da özel bir hastanede ameliyat esnasında hayatını kaybetti.

Mystery Over Blood Covered Body Of Man Who Flew from Italy To Turkey For A Routine Hair Transplant

A wife whose barber husband went to Turkey for a routine hair transplant was shocked when she got a call to say he had died before the operation. The doctor who was looking after the man has been arrested after his family complained and alleged that a person who visited…

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Read more about the article Man Leaves Mothers Remains In IKEA Shopping Bag After Murdering Her And Chopping Her Up

Man Leaves Mothers Remains In IKEA Shopping Bag After Murdering Her And Chopping Her Up

A man in Italy has reportedly confessed to murdering his mother before dismembering her body and discarding the parts in scattered shopping bags after cops found one IKEA bag containing some of her remains. The incident took place in the Italian city of Naples, the capital of the Campania region…

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Read more about the article Young Couple Who Married Six Months Ago Killed In Motorbike Crash In Italy
Christina Danu (26) and Boris Danu (29), a Moldovan couple who have been married for only six months, died in a traffic accident in Ferrara, Italy. (@cristina.usic.1/Newsflash)

Young Couple Who Married Six Months Ago Killed In Motorbike Crash In Italy

A young couple who married six months ago has been tragically killed in a motorbike accident in northern Italy. Boris and Cristina Danu, 29 and 26 years old respectively, were killed when the motorbike they were on collided with a Fiat Panda in the city of Ferrara in the northern…

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Read more about the article Kind Female Uni Prof That Rescued Hungry Puppies Is Beaten By Neighbours For Encouraging Strays
Beatrice Lucrezia Orlando, 42, a professor from the University of Ferrara who was attacked by four people for helping stray dogs while on vacation in Tortora, Calabria in Italy on 7th of August, 2021. (@beatrice.orlando/Newsflash)

Kind Female Uni Prof That Rescued Hungry Puppies Is Beaten By Neighbours For Encouraging Strays

An animal-loving University professor in Italy was brutally beaten apparently by a family of neighbours who accused her of encouraging strays after she gave food and water to a mother pup struggling to feed three malnourished puppies. Beatrice Lucrezia Orlando, 42, a professor at the University of Ferrara was left…

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