Read more about the article Hit-And-Run Drink-Driver Slams Into Back Of Pedestrian
Pic shows: The suspect's car. CHINA: A drink-driver's dashcam has captured the shocking moment he slams into the back of an unsuspecting pedestrian and then simply carries on despite a smashed window.

Hit-And-Run Drink-Driver Slams Into Back Of Pedestrian

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A drink-driver's dashcam has captured the shocking moment he slams into the back of an unsuspecting pedestrian at speed and then simply drives off with a smashed windscreen. The hit-and-run motorist, surnamed Lu, had reportedly…

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Read more about the article Church Leader Beats Young Woman For Drinking Alcohol
Pic Shows: The woman was hit several times with a water pipe; SOUTH AFRICA: This is the moment a female church leader dubbed 'The Angel' is caught on camera brutally beating a young woman with a length of pipe for drinking alcohol.

Church Leader Beats Young Woman For Drinking Alcohol

Story By: Simon Glover, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@Daai_Man_Nzwaki This is the moment a female church leader dubbed 'The Angel' is caught on camera brutally beating a young woman with a length of pipe for drinking alcohol. The video, filmed by an eyewitness with…

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Read more about the article Muslim Model Stripped Of Title After Boozy Viral Vid
Pic Shows: Haneesya lost her title after a video showing her partying in a night club emerged online; MALAYSIA: A 19-year-old Muslim beauty queen has had her title stripped from her after a video of her drinking alcohol in a nightclub went viral online.

Muslim Model Stripped Of Title After Boozy Viral Vid

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire/@majalahremaja A 19-year-old Muslim beauty queen made this tearful apology after she was stripped of her title for being shown in a viral video drinking alcohol in a nightclub. Stunning Malaysian model Haneesya Hanee won the…

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