Read more about the article Doctors Save Genitals Of Teen Electrocuted During Social Media Stunt On Train But Had To Amputate Part Of His Hand
Footage shows injured boy, 15, at train station of Elektrougli, Moscow Oblast, Russia on Monday, May 13, 2024. He climbed on a train and was electrocuted in the genitals. (Newsflash)

Doctors Save Genitals Of Teen Electrocuted During Social Media Stunt On Train But Had To Amputate Part Of His Hand

Doctors in Russia have managed to save the penis of the teenager who was electrocuted while crawling around on top of a train for social media likes - but had to amputate part of his hand. The operation took place in Russia's capital Moscow with local media saying that…

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Read more about the article Woman Has Giant Ovarian Tumour Weighing 30 Kilogrammes Removed After Living With It For 10 Years
Picture shows a giant ovarian tumor of unnamed patient woman, 61, at City Clinical Hospital named after. V.V. Veresaev, Moscow, Russia, undated. Surgeons removed it. (@gkbveresaeva/Newsflash)

Woman Has Giant Ovarian Tumour Weighing 30 Kilogrammes Removed After Living With It For 10 Years

A woman has had a giant ovarian tumour weighing 30 kilogrammes removed after living with it for 10 years. The footage and images show how the woman had the giant 30-kilogramme (66 lbs) tumour protruding from her abdomen. In the video, a scan shows how the massive growth took…

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Read more about the article Brave Medics Carry Out Life-Saving Brain Surgery Amid Earthquake
Doctors complete an operation during the earthquake in Xinjiang, China, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. The surgical team was performing an emergency craniotomy on a patient with trauma from a car accident. (AsiaWire)

Brave Medics Carry Out Life-Saving Brain Surgery Amid Earthquake

The remarkable video showcases a group of doctors carrying out a life-saving brain surgery despite being affected by the tremors of a devastating 7.1-magnitude earthquake. Surveillance camera footage from Xinjiang's Aral Hospital, in China, shows the medics carrying out the craniotomy on a patient who suffered head trauma during…

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Read more about the article Doctors Remove Huge Ball Of Parasitic Worms That Had Been Feasting On Girl’s Liver
Picture shows X-ray image of a huge ball of worms inside the liver of a 19-year-old patient in Kazan, Russia, undated. Surgeons removed it. (@rkb_tatarstan/Newsflash)

Doctors Remove Huge Ball Of Parasitic Worms That Had Been Feasting On Girl’s Liver

Doctors in Russia have removed a huge ball of parasitic worms from a Russian girl's liver that had begun feasting on her living body. Picture shows X-ray image of a huge ball of worms inside the liver of a 19-year-old patient in Kazan, Russia, undated. Surgeons removed it. (@rkb_tatarstan/Newsflash) The…

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Read more about the article IT’S A WRAP: Doctors Use Condom To Remove Blade From Patient’s Stomach
Picture shows the blade inside the patient's stomach at Wenjiang District People's Hospital in China, undated. It was removed with a condom. (Chengdu Wenjiang District People's Hospital/AsiaWire)

IT’S A WRAP: Doctors Use Condom To Remove Blade From Patient’s Stomach

Doctors in south-western China turned an ordinary condom into a life-saving tool when they used it to remove a blade from a patient's stomach. Picture shows the blade inside the patient's stomach at Wenjiang District People's Hospital in China, undated. It was removed with a condom. (Chengdu Wenjiang District People's…

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