Students Shot For Not Carrying Drug Gang’s ID Cards

A pair of teenage girls were shot dead after unwittingly straying into an area controlled by a brutal Colombian drugs gang that forced everyone to carry a cartel ID card. University students Maria Paula Dulce Alarcon, 19, and Lina Marcela Rodriguez Ordonez, 18, were executed soon after arriving in Jamundí…

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Read more about the article Bus Hits Mrs Mopp In The Butt
Bus hits woman sweeping in Bogota, Colombia, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024. The victim's condition is not known. (CEN)

Bus Hits Mrs Mopp In The Butt

This is the painful moment a hit-and-run bus swings round a corner and hits a cleaner sweeping a pavement in Colombia square in her backside. The bizarre collision was caught on CCTV footage in Bogota. On 6th February, as the the woman had her back turned to the traffic…

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Read more about the article Firefighters Winch Rescue 26.5 Stone Woman Down From Apartment
Photo shows the moment 168kg woman was saved by firefighters in Bello, Antioquia, Colombia, on Saturday, January 27, 2024. She was rescued from the sixth floor of a building. (CEN)

Firefighters Winch Rescue 26.5 Stone Woman Down From Apartment

This is the moment a 26.5 stone woman is winched down from her eighth-storey apartment after paramedics said she was too big to get through the front door. Firefighters in Bello, in the Colombian department of Antioquia. Were called in to help remove the woman from the high-rise block…

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Read more about the article Officials Release Crime Boss From Prison By Mistake Due To Bureaucratic Mishap
Photo shows Angel Martinez Quiroz, undated. He was arrested in the largest anti-drug operation in Italy in which 4.3 tonnes of cocaine were seized and released from prison by mistake. (Newsflash)

Officials Release Crime Boss From Prison By Mistake Due To Bureaucratic Mishap

Officials in Colombia have reportedly released a crime boss from prison by mistake due to a bureaucratic oversight. Photo shows Angel Martinez Quiroz, undated. He was arrested in the largest anti-drug operation in Italy in which 4.3 tonnes of cocaine were seized and released from prison by mistake. (Newsflash) Drug…

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Read more about the article Notorious Criminal Named J.R. Shot By Cash-Hungry Bodyguard
Junior Roldan Paredes drinking at a party after he was released from prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador, undated. He was found dead in El Colombia, on Saturday, May 6, 2023. (@juniorjrvida/CEN)

Notorious Criminal Named J.R. Shot By Cash-Hungry Bodyguard

A feared Ecuadorian drug lord often filmed living the high life on his ranch in Colombia has been found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. The police believe that his own bodyguard killed him so that he could steal cash from him. The dead body of Junior…

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