Read more about the article Naked Young Woman Seen Peeing At Traffic Light
Pic Shows: The woman enters the taxi; This is the moment a young woman is seen peeing outside a taxi at a red traffic light and is naked apart from her knickers. The bizarre incident took place in the city of Barranquilla in the northern Colombian department of Atlantico and was filmed by a motorist in the vehicle behind the taxi. In the footage, the leggy woman is filmed while she is already squatting beside a yellow cab at a red light on a busy city street, before getting to her feet and pointing her well-shaped bum at the camera. The near-naked woman then shakes her derriere before she climbs back into the taxi. The cab driver then proceeds to drive off despite the traffic light still being red. The video has been viewed 25,000 times on Instagram and received hundreds of comments. Netizen ‘Monicar0316’ said: "What a filthy pig of a woman! I think she should be punished by the police." ‘Ferneyhurtadori’ commented: "Look how she shakes herself off!" ‘Ruby Correa’ added: "What is going on with the naked woman getting out of the car to do a wee? She deserves to be punished for that, it is a public place after all. Is she Colombian?"

Naked Young Woman Seen Peeing At Traffic Light

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@impactonews This is the moment a young woman is seen peeing outside a taxi at a red traffic light and is naked apart from her knickers. The bizarre incident took place in the city of Barranquilla in…

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Read more about the article Tree Falls On Young Man During Festival
Pic shows: The tree falls over and hits George Lopez Martinez, the victim This is the moment a tree falls on top of a young man after festival goers try to erect it on the public square as part of a traditional celebration. The incident took place in the small community of Remolino outside Santa Cruz de Lorica in the northern Colombian department of Cordoba, where the festival is celebrated every year. In the video footage, a group of people are seen trying to erect the tall tree on a bustling public square with scores of festival goers looking on. However, the group loses control of the tree and it falls across the public square, toppling on top of one man who scrambles in vain to get out of the way. At the end of the clip, the man - identified as George Lopez Martinez - is seen lying on the ground motionless. According to local media, the flattened man’s sister took him home to patch him up saying he had in the end only been stunned and had suffered a chin injury. While there, he used the opportunity to spruce up before going outside to rejoin the festivities, according to reports. A similar incident took place on the public square a few years ago when another tree-planting episode was bungled, resulting in a man breaking his leg. While some families light candles in their homes, others go outside to plant a tree on the square which everyone then dances around. The tradition is over 100 years old and is accompanied by lively music and fandango dancing.

Tree Falls On Young Man During Festival

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@CHICACERETE This is the moment a tree falls on top of a young man after festival goers try to erect it on the public square as part of a traditional celebration. The incident took place in the small…

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Town On Sex Strike Over Unfinished Road

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Credit: CEN and CEN/Movimiento Piernas Cruzadas A group of women who went on a sex strike seven years ago are still waiting for the only road into their small town to be repaired. In 2011, around 300 women in the small…

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Read more about the article OAP Beaten By Female Thief To Steal Her Gold Teeth
Pic shows: These pictures show a bleeding and bruised 87-year-old woman who was violently robbed by a female thug who then stole her gold teeth dentures. The thief reportedly went into Oliva Rojas Salinas’ home in the town of Pitalito in the Huila department of Colombia. The woman is believed to have pretended to have been interested in one of the rooms Salinas was renting, but once inside the house she demanded the OAP hand over her phone and wallet. When the pensioner refused, the female robber is said to have begun punching and kicking Salinas in the face before grabbing a stone from the kitchen and smacking the pensioner in the head with it several times. The 87-year-old is believed to have been knocked consciousness in the attack and woke to find the thief had stolen her belongings, including dentures which had two gold teeth in them. Neighbours reportedly heard the pensioner’s screams for help and called the police who transferred her to a hospital. Reports suggest the OAP suffered bruising, open wounds to her head and a fracture in her legs in the attack. No arrests have been reported.

OAP Beaten By Female Thief To Steal Her Gold Teeth

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Central European News These pictures show a bleeding and bruised 87-year-old woman who was violently robbed by a female thug who then stole her gold teeth dentures. The thief reportedly went into Oliva Rojas Salinas’ home in the town of Pitalito in the Huila…

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South Americas Tallest Bridge Compared To Accordion

Story By:  Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News   These are the startling images of South America’s tallest bridge which has crumpled and been compared to an accordion in local media. The bridge is the Hisgaura Viaduct which is located between the towns of Malaga and Los Curos in the Colombian…

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