Read more about the article Huge Waves Flood Streets Of Mexican City During Storm
Pic shows: The strong winds with huge waves on the sea. These images show how the streets of a Mexican city have become completely flooded with seawater as waves crash onto the shore during a period of intense storms.

Huge Waves Flood Streets Of Mexican City During Storm

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit:CEN These images show how the streets of a Mexican city have become completely flooded with seawater as waves crash onto the shore during a period of intense storms. The startling scenes were recorded n the city of Boca del Rio, in the eastern Mexican…

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Read more about the article FB User Flogs Dead Granddads Dentures For 260 GBP
Picture Credit: CEN/@miroslav.timotijevic.3

FB User Flogs Dead Granddads Dentures For 260 GBP

A Facebook user has been widely mocked for trying to sell his dead granddad’s dentures on the social network for 260 GBP. The advert was posted on Facebook by netizen ‘Miroslav Mile Timotijevic’, who hails from the city of Nis in the south-eastern Serbian district of Nisava, where it has…

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Read more about the article Ancient Tunnel Linked To Aztec Water God Found In City
Pic shows: Parts of a statue of archaeological value Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Aztec water tunnel linked to the god of water and fertility right in the middle of a busy city.

Ancient Tunnel Linked To Aztec Water God Found In City

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Aztec water tunnel built by Emperor Moctezuma I in the 15th Century and linked to the god of water and fertility Tlaloc right in the middle of a busy Mexican city. The Mexican Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) announced that they…

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Read more about the article Ghoul Slept In Crypt And Littered Skulls Around City
Pic shows: In Nikolaev the police detained the man who scattered human skulls around the city. A 27-year-old man who set up home in a cemetery crypt has been arrested for decorating graves and scattering human skulls around the city.

Ghoul Slept In Crypt And Littered Skulls Around City

Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@PoliceOfTheNikolaevArea A 27-year-old man who set up home in a cemetery crypt has been arrested for digging up graves and scattering the human skulls he found around the city. The bizarre incident took place in the city of Mykolaiv ‎in the southern Ukrainian region…

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Read more about the article Very Rare Whirlwind Tornado Filmed In Colombian City
Pic shows: The tornado in the Colombian sky. This is the moment a huge "rare" whirlwind is seen in the sky over a Colombian city.

Very Rare Whirlwind Tornado Filmed In Colombian City

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@arnulfom This is the moment a huge "very rare" whirlwind is seen in the sky over a Colombian city. The startling scenes were recorded by onlookers in the city of Cucuta in the northeastern Colombian department of Norte de Santander in…

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