Read more about the article Nursery Slammed For Allowing Boy Gang To Stamp On Girl
Pic shows: The other children at the playground abusing the little girl. This is the moment a group of boys repeatedly kick and stamp on a young girly lying on the ground for at nursery before an elderly worker eventually arrives to break it up.

Nursery Slammed For Allowing Boy Gang To Stamp On Girl

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@nmakarin This is the moment a group of boys repeatedly kick and stamp on a young girl lying on the ground at a nursery before an elderly worker eventually arrives to break it up. The incident was filmed at Nursery No.236 in the city of…

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Read more about the article 11yo Boy Dies Of Heart Attack After Schoolyard Beating
Pic Shows: The child Lautaro; This 11-year-old boy has died when he suffered a heart attack after allegedly being beaten up at school - and his mother said the school did not tell her about the scrap.

11yo Boy Dies Of Heart Attack After Schoolyard Beating

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News This adorable school boy has died after suffering a heart attack following an alleged schoolyard fight in which he was beaten up. Local media report the boy, named in reports as Lautaro died last week in the city of Zarate in the northeast of the Buenos Aires…

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Read more about the article Firemen Remove Potty From Young Boys Head After Prank
Pic shows: The boy getting the potty seat removed by a firefighter. This amusing footage shows firefighters having to remove a children’s training toilet stuck on a boy’s head after his twin brother pranked him by making him wear.

Firemen Remove Potty From Young Boys Head After Prank

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage shows firefighters removed a children’s potty stuck on a boy’s head after his twin brother made him wear it. Rescuers in the county of Jinhu, which is in Huai’an City in East China’s Jiangsu Province, said the boy was between…

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Read more about the article Alves Says Sensitive Boy Neymar Needs To Take A Stand
Pic Shows: A screen of the interview Dani Alves gave; Dani Alves has called Neymar a “sensitive boy” and recommends he “take a stand” saying “people need to learn how to respect Neymar”.

Alves Says Sensitive Boy Neymar Needs To Take A Stand

Story By: Juan Mayes, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Golder's News And Sport Dani Alves has called Neymar a “sensitive boy” and told the Paris Saint-Germain star “take a stand” saying “people need to learn how to respect" him. Sao Paulo defender Alves, 36, made the comments in an interview with Brazilian TV show “Grande Circulo” broadcast by Sportv…

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Read more about the article Young Boy Plummets Down Manhole Into Sewer
Pic Shows: The mother rescuing the child; This is the shocking moment a little boy stands on a manhole cover which flips over sending the poor tot plummeting into the sewer.

Young Boy Plummets Down Manhole Into Sewer

Story By: Amelia Guran, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@fox_musik This is the shocking moment a young boy stands on a manhole cover which flips over sending the poor tot plummeting into the sewer. The incident took place in the south-western Russian republic of Tatarstan while the child was out walking with his mother.…

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