Read more about the article Boys Handwritten Book Has Years-Long Waiting List At Idaho Library After He Snuck It On Shelf
An 8-year-old Dillon Helbig slid his handwritten book onto a library shelf, it now has a years-long waitlist n Boise, Idaho on the 1st December 2021. (@adacommunitylibrary/Newsflash)

Boys Handwritten Book Has Years-Long Waiting List At Idaho Library After He Snuck It On Shelf

An eight-year-old boy's handwritten book has become hot property at an Idaho library with a years-long waiting list after he snuck it onto a shelf. Dillon Helbig visited the Lake Hazel branch of the Ada Community Library in the city of Boise in the US state of Idaho with his…

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Read more about the article Boy Gets To Feet Unscathed After Running In Front Of Oncoming Pickup Truck
A child gets hit by a car crossing the street and gets up, in in Campo Grande, Brazil, 27th January. (Newsflash )

Boy Gets To Feet Unscathed After Running In Front Of Oncoming Pickup Truck

This video shows a young boy getting to his feet apparently unscathed after running into the street without checking both directions and being hit by a passing pickup truck. The incident was filmed by a shop CCTV camera in the neighbourhood of Jardim Colorado in the city of Campo Grande…

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Read more about the article Choking Boy Saved By Quick-Thinking Mum Who Uses Heimlich Manoeuvre On Him
Second before grandmother calls boy's mother for help when she noticed the child got something stuck in throat in Nantong, China. (120282627/AsiaWire)

Choking Boy Saved By Quick-Thinking Mum Who Uses Heimlich Manoeuvre On Him

This footage shows a quick-thinking mother performing the Heimlich manoeuvre on her choking son and saving his life. The Heimlich manoeuvre, also known as abdominal thrusts, is a first-aid technique that involves applying pressure to the abdomen in a series of thrusts in a bid to clear a choking person's…

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Read more about the article Chinese Mum Reunites With Son After He Was Snatched As Boy 24 Years Ago
Zhang Yangyang who was abducted 24 years ago in Luohe, China. (Looking For Son Zhang Yangyang/AsiaWire)

Chinese Mum Reunites With Son After He Was Snatched As Boy 24 Years Ago

This is the moving moment a Chinese mother is reunited with her son after he was abducted 24 years ago. Li Fang, 52, was moved to tears when she was finally reunited with her son Zhang Yangyang after he was abducted by a human trafficker in the city of Luohe…

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Read more about the article Kazakh Boy, 6, Rescued After Falling 13 Feet Into Stinky Pit Toilet
A six-year-old child was rescued from a four-metre deep toilet pit in Turkistan, Kazakhstan on 23rd January 2022. (The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan/Newsflash)

Kazakh Boy, 6, Rescued After Falling 13 Feet Into Stinky Pit Toilet

This video shows rescuers lifting a six-year-old boy out of a pit toilet after he fell 13 feet into the faeces-filled hole. The emergency services received a report of a boy who fell into a four-metre (13-foot) deep pit latrine in the courtyard of a house in the community of…

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