Read more about the article Animal Cruelty Case Against Olympic Athlete Who Hit Horse During Pentathlon Dropped
German athlete Annika Schleu in the moment when she failed to control her horse Saint Boy. (Newsflash)

Animal Cruelty Case Against Olympic Athlete Who Hit Horse During Pentathlon Dropped

An animal cruelty case against an Olympic athlete who allegedly hit her horse during the Summer Olympics in Tokyo has been dropped. Pentathlete Annika Schleu, 31, and national trainer Kim Raisner were being investigated "for alleged violations of the animal welfare act" after they were seen allegedly hitting her horse…

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Read more about the article Woman Who Suffered 88 Percent Burns And Amputation As A Baby Becomes Model And Athlete
Brisa Belen del Milagro Tejerina from Argentina who had 88% of her body burnt when she was seven months old. (Beluu Tejerina/Newsflash)

Woman Who Suffered 88 Percent Burns And Amputation As A Baby Becomes Model And Athlete

This brave young woman who suffered 88 percent burns to her body as well as an arm amputation when she was a baby has become an athlete and model all the while never hiding her disfigured face. Brisa Belen del Milagro Tejerin, 21, said she had to learn to deal…

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Read more about the article Teen Athlete Warns Menstruation Cup Helped Cause Serious Infection That Needed Op
Paloma Giordano showing her injuries. (Newsflash)

Teen Athlete Warns Menstruation Cup Helped Cause Serious Infection That Needed Op

A young Argentine athlete has warned other women to be careful using menstruation cups after claiming she ended up with a serious infection that needed an operation. Paloma Giordano, 18, said she underwent the operation at the Sanatorium Mater Dei in the city of La Plata in the eastern Argentine…

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Read more about the article Girl, 11, Notches Up Her 20th Record This Month
Credit: CEN/Karolina Chernykh

Girl, 11, Notches Up Her 20th Record This Month Credit: CEN/Elena Pakhomova This is the moment a young Russian athlete breaks a world record for maintaining a headstand for almost half an hour - her 20th record in a single month. Karolina Chernykh, 11, from the city of Yekaterinburg in the western Russian region of Sverdlovsk Oblast, reportedly…

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Read more about the article 1st Female Mexican Athlete Reveals Corona Crisis
Pic shows: Mariana Arceo. The first female Mexican athlete to test positive for coronavirus has said “it was a challenge in my life” referring to her "crisis" after being hospitalised for several days in “serious condition”.

1st Female Mexican Athlete Reveals Corona Crisis

The first female Mexican athlete to test positive for coronavirus has revealed she coughed blood before being hospitalised for several days in a “serious condition”. Mexican pentathlon athlete Mariana Arceo, 25, made the comments in an interview with ESPN where she spoke about her “crisis” with the coronavirus, officially named…

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