Read more about the article Pretty Amputee Forgives Driver Who Ran Her Over
Picture Credit: CEN/@celestenahirdiaz

Pretty Amputee Forgives Driver Who Ran Her Over

Picture Credit: CEN/@celestenahirdiaz This beautiful teacher who had her leg amputated after a driver ran a red light and crashed into her on her bike has said she has “forgiven” him for his actions. Celeste Diaz is a biology teacher and athlete who lives in La Rioja, northwestern Argentina, and…

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Read more about the article 7-Month Pregnant Athlete Prepares For Marathon
Picture Credit: Golders/@clarasimal_42k

7-Month Pregnant Athlete Prepares For Marathon

Picture Credit: Golders/@clarasimal_42k This champion marathon runner who is seven months pregnant has continued her training and is telling other women “to exercise during pregnancy because you will feel much better”. Spanish marathon runner Clara Simal, 32, currently lives in the Spanish capital Madrid where she trains to run marathons…

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Read more about the article Olympic Gold Athlete Supporting Disabled Sister Conned
Pic Shows: Adelina Sotnikova is a Russian figure skater; Olympic gold medal winning figure skating champion Adelina Sotnikova who is struggling to support a disabled sister has been conned out of 25,000 GBP by a fortuneteller she met on Instagram.

Olympic Gold Athlete Supporting Disabled Sister Conned

Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Golder's News And Sport Olympic gold medal winning figure skating champion Adelina Sotnikova who is struggling to support her disabled sister has been conned out of 25,000 GBP by a fortuneteller she met on Instagram. The 23-year-old Russian, who won a figure skating gold in the…

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Read more about the article UK-Bound Gigolo Arrested For Pushing Athlete Off Bridge
Pic Shows: 27-year-old Romanian Stefan Iulian Catoi was detained by the Italian authorities for the murder of 27-year-old Imen Chatbouri; ROMANIA: A 27-year-old Romanian gigolo has been arrested for pushing a pretty former athlete off the Ponte Sisto bridge in Rome.

UK-Bound Gigolo Arrested For Pushing Athlete Off Bridge

Story By: Madalina Spulber, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Picture Credit: CEN & CEN/@catoi.stefan.3 This 27-year-old Romanian male escort who planned to move to the UK has been arrested for pushing a pretty former athlete, also pictured, off the Ponte Sisto bridge in Rome. According to local media, Romanian national Stefan…

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