Read more about the article Hit-And-Run Driver Sends Women Spinning In The Air
Picture Credit: AsiaWire

Hit-And-Run Driver Sends Women Spinning In The Air

Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A traffic camera has captured the horrific moment two female pedestrians crossing a road are sent somersaulting through the air when a hit-and-run driver with no licence slams into them from behind. Police in the city of Chaozhou in China’s…

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Read more about the article Paranormal Ball In Fatal Plane Crash Chapecoense Match
Pic shows: This is the bizarre movement of ball during Chapecoense match. This is the “paranormal activity” of a ball dropping from the air before suddenly moving back up during a Chapecoense match - the Brazilian side who suffered the tragic plane crash which killed nearly all their team.

Paranormal Ball In Fatal Plane Crash Chapecoense Match

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Golder's News And Sport Video Credit: Golders/@Globoesportecom This is the “paranormal activity” of a ball dropping from the air before suddenly moving back up during a Chapecoense match - the Brazilian side who suffered the tragic plane crash which killed nearly all their team. The bizarre incident was…

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Read more about the article Poo-Soaked Street Seller Sent Flying By Exploding Sewer
Pic Shows: The road exploding; CHINA: This shocking footage shows a road suddenly erupting and launching a cherry seller and her vehicle into the air as an underground sewer explodes.

Poo-Soaked Street Seller Sent Flying By Exploding Sewer

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a hapless street seller and her cart are covered in human waste and sent flying through the air after an underground sewer explodes beneath her feet. The freak accident happened in…

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Read more about the article Jet Pilot In Near-Miss Row With Woman Air Controller
Pic Shows: The planes almost crashing into each other in flight; ARGENTINA: This is the moment the pilot of a private jet calls the air traffic controller “useless” following a near miss with another plane.

Jet Pilot In Near-Miss Row With Woman Air Controller

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@ChamerTUC This is the moment the pilot of a private jet has a mid-air row with a female air traffic controller branding her an “idiot” after his posh jet has a near miss with another plane.…

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Read more about the article Vietnam Fighter Jet Hits Wall After Overshooting Runway
Pic shows: The aircraft slipped off the runway after a training flight VIETNAM: A Vietnam Air Force Su-22 fighter jet has crashed into a military base’s boundary wall after encountering a landing gear problem.

Vietnam Fighter Jet Hits Wall After Overshooting Runway

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report A Vietnam Air Force Su-22 fighter jet has crashed into a military base’s boundary wall after overshooting the runway when the landing gear failed. Picture Credits: AsiaWire According to local media, the Sukhoi Su-22 fighter jet crashed around…

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