Story By: James King, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
This is the shocking moment a teacher suddenly collapses in front of a packed classroom after she was unexpectedly taken ill.
The incident happened in the classroom in the prefecture-level city of Binzhou in northern Shandong Province in the People’s Republic of China.
A CCTV camera shows the teacher, identified only by the surname Wang, standing in front of a class of pupils wearing red school uniforms and busily doing their classwork.

She is holding her head and looks as if she is uncomfortable, and she is then seen swaying slightly to her side before staggering as a young girl notices and starts to run over.
But she is not quick enough, and a second later, the teacher topples backwards and collapses onto the floor in front of the blackboard.
Other kids then leap to their feet and run over, with two others rushing out in order to raise the alarm with other teachers.

It was revealed that some of the children arranged for sugary water to be given to the teacher while others opened the window to let in fresh air.
The video attracted widespread praise for the quick reaction of the kids in looking after their teacher by online commentators.
It follows on from another recent incident in which a teacher who was pregnant and had skipped breakfast in order to be at school on time also collapsed in front of her young students in the city of Shaoyang in China’s Hunan Province on 21st November.

In the footage of that incident, everything appears to be going smoothly at first, with the students working hard and the teacher standing at the front of the class, helping them through the material.
However, the teacher’s head suddenly tilts back, and she appears to lose consciousness as she collapses into a heap on the ground.
She, too, was helped by her students as she came to.