Spain COVID Man Dies After Medics Ignored Him For 6 Days

Story ByAna LacasaSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyNewsflash

This image shows a man who died in Madrid after reportedly calling a hotline for six days warning he had coronavirus symptoms but being ignored.

Mohammed Abul Hossain, 67, who reportedly suffered from cardiovascular issues, began suffering from respiratory problems seemingly lined with coronavirus on 20th March in his home in the Lavapies area in the centre of Madrid and his family began calling the emergency services then.

Picture Credit: Newsflash

However, local newspaper El Diario report their queries were not answered for five days until his nephew called a taxi to take him to the hospital on 25th March.

Reports state that the taxi driver refused to take him to the hospital after seeing his condition and in the early hours of 26th March an ambulance was sent to the patient’s home.

However, local media report his condition worsened and he died on his way to the hospital at 2:45 am from cardiorespiratory problems believed to have been caused by COVID-19.

The president of Valiente Bangla, a Bangladeshi association in Madrid, told Newsflash that the family does not want to talk more about the case and blamed “the system” for the death.

He also requested for translators to help the Bangladeshi community living in the area with both health and employment issues.

The victim had reportedly been living in Spain for 20 years and was the manager of a restaurant in the Lavapies neighbourhood.

His wife, who has not been named, was reportedly taken to the Jimenez Diaz Foundation University Hospital on the day of her husband’s death and she spent one week there suffering from coronavirus before being discharged.

The Regional Health Department said that the patient had received medical attention but did not clarify the dates this care was given.

According to the latest figures from the Johns Hopkins University, Spain has registered 146,690 confirmed cases of coronavirus, 14,555 deaths and 48,021 recoveries.

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