Shocking Murder Of Teen Mum Of Three By Ex-Boyfriend

Story By: Amanda MoralesSub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

A 19-year-old who was a mother of three was brutally killed by her ex-boyfriend who was more than twice her age when he stabbed her in the neck in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

The horrific incident occurred on the streets of the Kennedy neighbourhood in the municipality of San Pedro, in the northeastern Colombian department of Sucre on the afternoon of Saturday 15th August.

According to information from the national newspaper El Heraldo, the alleged murderer Fredy Benitez Garcia, 52, telephoned the victim, Jaiviani Isabel Garcia Jimenez, 19, to meet him so he could give her money to pay her rent.


At first, the victim refused the invitation as she had got a restraining order against Garcia for previous assaults, during one of which he allegedly tried to strangle her.

The victim finally agreed to go and meet her ex-boyfriend to collect the money accompanied by her sister.

According to El Heraldo, when the sisters arrived at the meeting place, the alleged murderer asked the victim’s sister to go to the nearby store to buy him some sweets, and then he started threatening Jimenez.


According to statements from the victim’s mother, Omaira Jimenez, reported in local newspaper Sucre Noticias, the man began to insult the victim and, when she tried to flee, he grabbed her, stabbed her in the neck and hit her on the head.

The victim died minutes later and the alleged murderer was arrested and accused of femicide.

Jimenez, the mother of a three-year-old son and six-month-old twins, was originally from Venezuela but moved to Colombia a year ago in search of a better life.

According to figures from the Colombian Feminicide Observatory managed by the Feminist Antimilitarist Network, 291 women have been killed in femicide cases so far in 2020 in the country.

The case is ongoing.

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