Schoolboy Beaten By Bullies Over Social Media Post

Story ByGabriel ZamfirSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyCentral European News

Video Credit: CEN

This is the moment a school girl and her pals repeatedly kick a 10-year-old lad and stamp on his head before kicking him in the groin after he reportedly claimed on social media that they were dating.

In an interview with Central European News (CEN), the boy’s mum says he has been left “severely traumatised” by the incident.

The video was filmed by one of the alleged bullies in the town of Cugir in the central Romanian county of Alba and shared on social media where it was later forwarded to the boy’s shocked mother Adriana Metea.

Pictures Credit: CEN

Adriana reposted the video with the message: “It has been several hours since I received this video and I still cannot watch it to the end. That is my son Robert there, being humiliated and brutally beaten by those… I cannot even find the word for them.

“I spent a lot of time thinking about what to do, and after I started legal action I decided to post the video here.”

In an exclusive interview for CEN, Metea said: “My son is okay now, physically speaking. Emotionally, he has been severely traumatised and I don’t think it will pass anytime soon.

“We have begun legal steps. Robert was checked by doctors and a psychologist and we have a medical report to confirm the trauma he has suffered. He is still having therapy.

“I spoke with the mother of the girl seen in the video and they asked me to delete the video from social media and withdraw my complaint.

“I did not detect any sign of regret on her face. I do not forgive them for this and I will not give up.”

Metea also said that her son was allegedly bullied because he bragged on social media that he was dating the blonde girl seen repeatedly slapping him across the face the footage after she stamps on his head.

She added: “The girl’s boyfriend was angry about it and they reacted as we see in the video.”

A police statement confirmed that they are investigating the matter, adding: “The people involved have been identified. They are minors aged between 11 and 16.”

Robert is 10 years old, while the bullies are reportedly older, but there ages are not currently clear.

The investigation is ongoing.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Chris

    This incident is reprehensible. Kids do silly things like making silly claims but what they did to this like boy is horrible and the kids involved need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Children are being killed or dying by suicide due to bullying. It is NOT ok. God bless this boy and his family and may they see justice served. And may the perpetrators learn the absolute seriousness of bullying.

  2. Ceadda

    This is disgusting. Hopefully justice will be served for the victim.

  3. Aaron

    I hope these vile degenerates receive justice to fullest extent of their laws. He is TEN years old! To stomp on his groin? Just because he claimed he was dating the girl? I hope no one dates her now after seeing what kind of person she is. What disgusting human trash. I hope Robert continues to recover and makes a full recovery soon. I’d really like to keep up to date with the latest on this case. But I don’t know where I’d find such news. Any suggestions anyone?

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