Politician Throws Girlfriend, 22, Out Of Car For Refusing To Give Phone Password


This is the moment a Brazilian politician allegedly throws his 22-year-old girlfriend out of his speeding car because she refused to give him the password to her mobile phone so he could check her messages.

The incident was filmed on Avenida Antonio da Rocha Viana in the city of Rio Branco in the northern Brazilian state of Acre on 26th December.

The CCTV footage shows the moment the victim falls out of the car and lies motionless on the tarmac before the suspect stops to check on her.

A man threw out his girlfriend out of a moving car in Rio Branco, Brazil, on 26th December. (Newsflash)

Lucas de Oliveira Bezerra, 26, who ran for state deputy for the far-right Social Liberal Party in the 2018 elections but only got 604 votes, is accused of pushing Emely Juliana, 22, out of his moving car.

According to local reports, the suspect insisted on seeing his girlfriend’s messages and asked for her password, which she refused to tell him.

As a result, he allegedly pushed her out of his moving car before stopping the vehicle and going back to check on her.

A man threw out his girlfriend out of a moving car in Rio Branco, Brazil, on 26th December. (Newsflash)

The young woman was taken to hospital with severe bruising over her body, and a police investigation was opened.

The suspect, who formed the non-profit organisation Movement of Love for the Community In Need (MACC), has had a restraining order taken out against him as the investigation continues, according to local media.

He has denied pushing his girlfriend out his car, and reportedly claimed that she jumped herself.

A man threw out his girlfriend out of a moving car in Rio Branco, Brazil, on 26th December. (Newsflash)

The victim, meanwhile, has since written on social media: “Every time I see that video I have an anxiety attack and my heart seems like it’s going to burst. I can’t even believe I’m alive. Thank you, God.”

To which a friend replied: “My friend, you’re strong and everything will be okay. The world will keep on turning and karma will come. He’ll get what he deserves.”

The victim also wrote another post reading: “The thing that hurts the most is knowing I will never forget this. Neither this pain, nor that night, nor the following days.”

Lucas de Oliveira Bezerra, (right) accused of having thrown out his girlfriend out of a moving car in Rio Branco, Brazil, on 26th December, with President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, (left). (Newsflash)

The police investigation is ongoing.