Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
This is the moment Chinese police find a smartly dressed woman in the boot of a motorist’s car after she tried to smuggle herself into Shanghai from a city on lockdown.
Authorities manning the toll road on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway stopped the vehicle as it tried to enter Shanghai’s Songjiang District today (11th February).
Body-worn camera footage shows officers opening the boot of the stopped car to reveal the woman hiding inside while wearing a short skirt and stockings but no surgical mask.
The authorities said the unnamed smuggling suspect works in the city of Shanghai but returned to her hometown on 22nd January for the Chinese New Year holidays.
She attempted to return to the port city from a zone badly hit by the Wuhan coronavirus, but they did not identify the location.
She knew stricter Shanghai authorities would have ordered her to be quarantined for at least 14 days upon arrival, so she asked a friend to help smuggle her inside in the boot of his car, the police said.
Neither driver nor boot passenger showed any symptoms of the disease, but they have been sent into mandatory isolation as part of disease-prevention policy.
The authorities said every single car entering Shanghai has been stopped and inspected since the policy came into effect on 27th January.
This is the first case of an individual attempting to enter Shanghai in a car boot since the coronavirus outbreak, they added.
Last week, a bored woman in a locked-down gated community in East China’s Zhejiang Province smuggled herself out in the boot of her boyfriend’s car in order to go shopping.
She was discovered as the couple returned home.
The viral infection presenting with severe pneumonia symptoms in serious cases has killed 1,018 people worldwide, while more than 43,100 have been infected so far.
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