Motorist Slams Into Mum And Pushchair On Zebra Crossing

Story By: John FengSub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report 

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This is the moment a motorist slams into a baby in a pushchair on a zebra crossing spinning it through the air before it comes crashing down onto the tarmac – and survives virtually unharmed.

The heart-stopping crash happened on Guting Avenue in the city of Liuzhou, which is in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South China, on 28th November.

Traffic camera footage shows mum Ms Cai pushing her one-year-old daughter through the zebra crossing when the white Toyota saloon speeds towards her.

Picture Credit: AsiaWire

Before Ms Cai can react, her toddler’s pushchair is hit side-on by driver Mr Su.

The pram and the mum go flying through the air and both spin 180 degrees as Ms Cai refuses to let go, effectively preventing her daughter from being flung onto the road.

As Mr Su crashes into the central reservation, Ms Cai picks herself up and plucks the tot from her pushchair before carrying her to safety, the video shows.

Local authorities said neither mum nor child suffered any serious injuries during the incident, which happened as Mr Su was “looking at his window”.

No arrests had been made at the time of writing, but Mr Su is expected to be found fully liable for the crash as investigations continue.

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