This is the moment arresting officers sing happy birthday to a young woman who held a cannabis-themed party and shared photos on social media that resulted in cops knocking on the door before the party was even over.
The suspect, identified as 23-year-old Layanne, is a self-confessed cannabis user and frequently calls for the drug’s legalisation in Brazil, according to the news site Portal CM7.
For her birthday, the young woman reportedly made a cake from cannabis oil so partygoers would be under the influence of the drug.

She posed with the cake decorated with cannabis-leaf-shaped treats for photos, and at least one cannabis plant was visible in the background.
The social media post quickly attracted the attention of the local police, and officers arrived at the birthday party before it had even finished.
According to reports, the police interrupted the party before guests could sing happy birthday to Layanne, so officers decided to honour the occasion before taking her to the station.

In the footage, the young woman appears less than impressed as three cops sing happy birthday and clap their hands.
As she sits on a wall with a depressed look on her face, she is seen holding the alleged cannabis-laced cake next to what appears to be a marijuana plant in a pot.
After singing the birthday song, officers reportedly took Layanne to the police station to book her for drug trafficking, as the planting of cannabis plants is illegal in Brazil.