Manhunt For 40yo Suspected Paedo After Tot Hospitalised

Story ByMaja Mishevksa, Sub EditorMarija StojkoskaAgencyNewsflash

A manhunt has been launched for this 40-year-old man accused of sexually abusing a 15-month-old toddler – after the tot was left in a serious condition in hospital.

The incident took place in a house of the city of Alejandro Korn, in Buenos Aires province, eastern Argentina and the suspect remains at large.

Picture Credit: CEN

The tot’s mother, identified as Griselda Quiroz, 35, reportedly told her boyfriend Ruben Oscar Perez, 40, that she was going to the shop. Upon her return, her boyfriend told her that her 15-month-old son was not waking up or breathing, according to reports.

The mum asked her neighbours for help and one of them took the toddler to the Cecilia Grierson hospital, in Guernica, also in Buenos Aires province.

On their way to the hospital, Perez reportedly told the woman that she should say in the hospital that the babysitter had beaten the toddler.

The mother told local media “when the doctors checked him, they told me that my son had been abused and beaten”.

Doctors in the hospital confirmed that the baby was in a serious condition and therefore he was transferred to the Sor Maria Ludovica Hospital in La Plata.

Quiroz claimed that since the transfer, her boyfriend has disappeared.

Picture Credit: CEN

The prosecutor of San Vicente, Karina Guyot, charged the suspect with the crimes of “alleged sex abuse and serious injuries”. Judge Martin Rizzo, who is in charge of the investigation of the case, has now changed the charges in the case to “attempted homicide and alleged sex abuse”.

The toddler, whose name has not been revealed, is still hospitalised in a serious condition.

The search for the suspect continues.

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