Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
Newsflash/Helen Fernandez
This is the moment a man is filmed breaking Spain’s lockdown rules after popping out to walk his chicken on the end of a lead.
The incident was filmed in the village of Uga in the municipality of Yaiza in the island of Lanzarote in the Spanish Canary Islands and resulted in the ‘chicken walker’ being fined for his misadventure.
In the footage, a man is seen walking a chicken on the end of a lead along the pavement.
According to reports, the police managed to identify the man in the video and said that he is a 51-year-old local resident.
After breaking Spain’s strict lockdown laws, which allow for walking a dog but sadly not chickens, the unnamed man could face a fine of between 601 and 30,000 EUR (549 and 27,450 GBP).
It is not the first time someone has been spotted walking the streets with a farmyard animal in Spain. Last week, one resident was caught walking his goat which was disguised as a dog.
As of 26th March, Spain has reported 49,515 confirmed cases of CVID-19 and 3,647 related deaths, according to the latest data from the Johns Hopkins University.
Meanwhile, 5,367 people have made full recoveries.
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