Low Bridge Clatters Footballer On Open-Top Victory Parade Bus

This is the on me ‘ead moment when a footballer on an open-top victory parade is clattered by a low bridge in Italy.

Midfielder Mohamed Rabbas was cruising the streets of Chioggia with his Venetian club Union Clodiense teammates to celebrate their promotion to Italy’s Serie C league.

But painful-looking fan footage of the procession captured the moment when 24-year-old Moroccan-born Rabbas caught a low blow from a passing bridge.

As the bus passed under the concrete crossing Rabbas was seen standing up, and seconds later taking a huge wallop to the top of his head.

Picture shows Mohamed Rabbas, undated. He hit his head on an overpass in Chioggia, Italy. (@rabbas_m/Newsflash)

And it was only the quick reactions of one teammate that stopped him topping off the bus onto the road, reports local media.

Rabbas was treated in hospital for head injuries but, says local media, suffered no permanent injuries.

He later took to his Instagram profile to say: “Guys I’m fine, thanks everyone for the messages.”