I Miss Football Song Gives Fans A Voice Over Loss

An Italian singer has put his feelings about the fact that there has been no football for months in Europe into his latest song.

Musician Ermanno Fabbri from the coronavirus hit city of Milan has released the song “Mi manca il calcio” (I miss football) to speak up for the feelings of footballers and millions of football fans.

He said: “We live in hard times. People definitely need some kind of a game to cheer them up. When the Croatian journalist Ivo Scepanovic wrote the lyrics for this song, the music instantly came to me.”

He knows the Italian lifestyle well, and seems to have tapped into the feelings of millions of Italians with “We miss football”.

Despite only being launched in Italian in Italy, his song in just days has spread out of Italy and has been aired already on radio stations in Slovenia, Croatia, the United States and Australia.

The song was created for Italian market so it contains some distinctly local references like dreaming about sexy football TV hosts Diletta Leotta and Simona Ventura, but a new English version with adapted lyrics is to come out soon.

Italian Serie A has still not decided when the league is about to start after over 20,000 Italians died from Covid-19.