Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/Bojan Schmeker
This sexy singer has been branded ‘scum’ for firing a handgun into the air during a live performance while singing about her love for men who guzzle spirits as seen in this video.
The bizarre scenes were reportedly filmed at a wedding party in an unspecified location in Serbia as the singer, whose identity is not clear yet, was singing the song ‘Volim Momke Koji Piju Rakiju’ (‘I Love Guys Who Drink Rakia’). Rakia is a fruit brandy which is popular in the Balkans.
In the video, she can be seen singing with a pistol in her hand on a lawn with a band playing behind her.
Pictures Credit: CEN
She points the gun at the camera as she continues her performance before aiming the pistol into the air and firing several shots as she belts out the song.
After seemingly emptying the clip she hands the firearm to someone else before continuing with her performance.
The bizarre clip has been watched nearly 30,000 times online and netizens were quick to comment, such as ‘Nikola’ who wrote: “I would marry this one right away.”
While ‘Eva Janceva Petrusevska’ said: “Awful.”
And ‘djordje vidovic’ wrote: “Scum of a woman.”
‘Gde je policija’ wrote: “This should be immediately placed in order. Either with imprisonment or medication. Does she know that these bullets do not stay in the air but they can hit somebody? A warm slap for a start to wake her up from the rakia would be good.”
It is unclear if police are investigating and whether the firearm was loaded with live rounds or blanks.
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