This is the shocking moment a goalkeeper is shot dead during a brawl at a bar in Brazil.

The deadly scuffle took place as the victim’s team was socialising at the venue in Bequimao, Maranhao State, on 24th November.
CCTV Footage shows how the suspect takes a swig from his beer bottle and swings a punch at goalie Adriano Ferreira Santos’s head.
Adriano coolly ducks to avoid the man’s fist and lands a punch of his own on the brawler’s face.
As they grapple, the attacker pulls a handgun from his trouser waistband and fires six shots at the keeper at point-blank range.

The security camera footage ends with bar goers running for cover as the gunman calmly puts his bottle on a table and walks away with Adriano twitching on the ground.
Gruesome images show how Adriano was left lying in a pool of his own blood. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Civil Police in neighbouring Pinheiro managed to identify the suspect, named in reports as K. C. C., and arrested him on 26th November.

According to some reports, he was stabbed in the stomach during the tussle.
He reportedly confessed to the crime and was remanded in custody.

Local media said the brawl happened following a misunderstanding during an earlier football game, but the motive remains under investigation.