Fireman Tackle Huge Python Hiding In Home Ceiling

Story ByLee Bullen,Sub EditorJoseph Golder,AgencyAsia Wire Report 

Video Credit: AsiaWire/@CRJDT

This is the moment firefighters tackle an enormous python hiding in a Malaysian home ceiling and they struggle to bring it down onto the floor.

The incident was filmed in the western Malaysian state of Johor and two videos were shared on Facebook by the local group ‘Community Roda Johor (CRJ)’ where they have been viewed 170,000 and 70,000 times respectively.

According to local media, the reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) was probably seeking shelter from the harsh weather conditions and took refuge in the stunned home owner’s ceiling.

Picture Credit: AsiaWire/@CRJDT

The unnamed man called the local authorities and firefighters on the scene eventually managed to remove the huge reptile from his home.

Firefighters first located the python’s head before managing to pull its body from the ceiling light fixture and beams it had wrapped itself around.

It is unclear what the local authorities did with the reticulated python after removing it from the man’s home.

Video Credit: AsiaWire/@CRJDT

In the video footage, a firefighter is seen trapping the reptile’s head with a pole as his colleague seizes the end of its long body.

In the second clip, the snake is seen on the floor while the rescuers manage to slide it out of the house using two poles it had coiled itself around.

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