Falling Glass Door Explodes In Woman Shoppers Face

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This is the moment a glass door comes off its hinges as a woman tries to open it before it explodes with a face full of tiny shards when it suddenly explodes.

A CCTV camera captured the incident on the morning of 28th September as shopper Ms Chen tried to pull open the large glass door at the building’s side entrance.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

In the video, Ms Chen can be seen following another shopper who had used the door just seconds earlier, but the glass door comes off its hinges, leaving the heavy pane leaning on Ms Chen as she tries to prop it back up.

Two men approach to help her but the door explodes into countless little pieces, falling on Ms Chen as well as the man standing right behind her – later identified as soldier Li Guanhua.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

The explosion of glass appears to happen just as the Mr Li holds the door, when his paper bag swings and touches it.

The footage shows the shattering glass falling on Ms Chen and Mr Li as they attempt in vain to dodge it. They were both cut by the glass, while the second man escaped unharmed.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

Ms Chen, who received three stitches to her hands, said: “Two other people went through the door before me.

“It began falling on me, so I pushed it and tried to put it back in place. But it was too big and too heavy for me.”

Mr Li, who serves as a regimental commander in the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces, was cut several times on the face and required six stitches.

Reports said doctors removed more than 10 pieces of glass from Mr Li’s face.

Thankfully, neither he nor Ms Chen suffered any serious injuries.

The shopping centre is reportedly investigating the incident.

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