Drunk Students Force Hapless Pony To Down Beer At Farm

Story BySibel AbdiuSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyAsia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This is the moment a group of laughing boozed-up students feed beer to a hapless pony at a farm before they were collared when they posted the sick clip online.

The incident came as a group of students from Aydin Adnan Menderes University visited a hotel in the Kemer district of Antalya province in Turkey.

Local media report the students had organised a quadbike ‘safari’ tour near the hotel but a small group of them could not participate as they were drunk.

The group of students are then said to have gone to a local ‘entertainment park’ and in the video they can be seen feeding a bottle of beer to a pair of ponies.

The ponies appear to lap the alcohol up as the students laugh and the video was later posted to social media.

Animal rights groups soon spotted the clip and Antalya Animal Rights Committee president, lawyer Alev Ersan, heard about the case and immediately filed a criminal complaint against the group at the Kemer Police Station. 

A police investigation was launched and the four youngsters were reportedly arrested after cops identified the hotel they were staying at.

The four unnamed students were handed a 700-TRY (89-GBP) fine each under animal protection laws before being released.

Picture Credit: AsiaWire