Cruel Nursery Teacher Strips Toddler Naked And Locks Her In Cold Dark Room

This is the moment a naked toddler is escorted to a cold, dark room in a Kazakh nursery school and is reportedly locked inside for over half an hour as a sick form of punishment.

The incident was filmed at an unnamed private kindergarten in the city of Pavlodar in Kazakhstan’s north-eastern Pavlodar Region.

After the footage was widely shared by the girl’s angry parents on social media, nursery school director Elena Dankovskaya said: “Following a complaint from the parents about our teacher and assistant teacher, they were stopped from working and given a severe reprimand.”

Employees of a private kindergarten in Pavlodar kept a naked child in a cool room for more than half an hour. (Newsflash)

Dankovskaya added that they were “dismissed under the article of non-compliance”.

However, according to Tengri News, the directorate of the company that owns the nursery school said the teacher could not be fired because she held a senior position and resigned of her own free will after the reprimand.

The girl’s parents confirmed this, and claimed the two staff members got off lightly, adding that they have also filed a complaint with the police.

Employees of a private kindergarten in Pavlodar kept a naked child in a cool room for more than half an hour. (Newsflash)

The tot’s mother Alina Omarova said: “She doesn’t speak in sentences yet, only separate words. She said that they beat her, pushed her, and complained that she fell over.”

The mother said the tot came home from nursery and put on four pairs of socks, complaining that she was very cold, adding: “Maybe it was not the first time she was undressed like that and locked alone in a dark, cold room?

“I thought she was not getting along with the other children, but when I saw the video, I could not believe that teachers were treating my child like that.

Employees of a private kindergarten in Pavlodar kept a naked child in a cool room for more than half an hour. (Newsflash)

“In the video, we see how my daughter woke up and they took her to the toilet and then to the games room naked before leading her into a dark room.

“They did not even give her an afternoon snack, but they drank and ate themselves.”

Omarova said her daughter has become more nervous since the incident and wants the light on at all times.

Employees of a private kindergarten in Pavlodar kept a naked child in a cool room for more than half an hour. (Newsflash)

The City Council’s education department has confirmed that it is carrying out an investigation of the nursery school.