Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News

Classic paintings such as Van Gough’s ‘Mona Lisa’ or ‘The Last Supper’ have been given a modern update including facemasks and toilet roll to make them fit in with the new world order amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The memes were shared by Russian netizens and include a version of Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ where Jesus and his disciples are all seen wearing face masks.

A Russian police officer also in a mask can be seen handing out what appears to be a fine for breaking lockdown rules next to Jesus.
Another meme shows Edvard Munch’s The Scream with a policeman ready to book the famous character for not wearing a face mask.
Meanwhile, a version of Da Vinci’s ‘Mona Lisa’ shows her famous smile covered with a face mask as she has her temperature read with an infrared thermometer.

‘Girl with Peaches’, an 1887 painting by the Russian artist Valentin Serov which depicts a young girl sitting at a table with peaches in her hands, has been transformed to show her holding a toilet roll with hand sanitiser on the table next to her stash of toilet paper.
Vassily Maximov’s ‘All In The Past’ has been changed to show a police officer approaching the two elderly women for seemingly breaking lockdown and Aleksandr Makovsky’s ‘Nadoyela’ (‘Bothered’ in English) now shows officers in face masks speaking to a couple in the countryside.