Story By: Maja Mishevksa, Sub Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
This is the moment a Chinese supermarket owner is involved in a brutal fight with a delivery man who reportedly called him ‘coronavirus’.
The owner of the supermarket, named in reports as Chinese national Gao Cheng, 28, got into a fight with the unnamed delivery driver outside the shop in the city of La Plata, around 60 kilometres (37 miles) from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires.
According to local media, the delivery man greeted Cheng by saying “what’s up, coronavirus?” and the shop owner reacted angrily. Local media report the driver then made more jokes about coronavirus to the workers in the supermarket.
Police sources report that Cheng asked the driver to stop mocking them and leave the supermarket as the products had been unloaded, but he kept making the jokes.
In the CCTV footage, Cheng can be seen grappling with the driver, dressed in red, as a woman tries to pull them apart.
The driver then begins punching Cheng in his face who then punches back. The pair exchange blows before Cheng walks away and the driver then scarpers when a woman walks towards him with what appears to be a metal pole.
The owners of the supermarket reported the aggression to police and said that the delivery man had attacked Cheng with a corkscrew and cut him in the face.
Prosecutors are investigating the case that has been filed as a crime of threats and causing non-serious injuries.
No arrests have been made.
The investigation is ongoing.
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