Read more about the article Russia Tests Deadly Transformers Robot Tank In Syria
Pic Shows: Russian Uran-9 armed UGV somewhere in Syria; These images show Russia’s deadly Uran-9 unmanned combat ground vehicle with ‘Transformers’ logo printed on the side being put through its paces in northern Syria.

Russia Tests Deadly Transformers Robot Tank In Syria

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder,Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@BRDDivision These images show Russia’s deadly Uran-9 unmanned combat ground vehicle with the ‘Transformers’ logo printed on the side being put through its paces in northern Syria. Initially developed by JSC 766 UPTK and most recently by the arms manufacturing company Kalashnikov…

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Grinning Army Officer Blasts Off Soldiers Testicle

An Austrian officer who smiled as he blasted off an army recruits testicle when he shot him with a loaded gun has been fined. The court in the Austrian city of Graz in Styria heard that the 26-year-old, who was not named, had believed that the gun, a Glock pistol,…

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UK Army Officer Hides Under Bus In Squaddie Hols Attack

Story By: Michael Leidig, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  A British army officer hid under a bus for 30 minutes while his fellow officer was given a savage beating by four British squaddies in a punch-up in a picture-postcard Alpine village. The incident that apparently involved alcohol, according to local media, happened…

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Read more about the article Supersonic Jet Made Beeline For Iran Passenger Plane
Pic Shows: Air traffic control was unable to contact the Airbus A330 by radio; A German Eurofighter jet travelling at supersonic speeds was set to intercept an Airbus A330 from Iran Air heading to Hamburg after air-traffic controllers confirmed they had failed to contact the civilian plane.

Supersonic Jet Made Beeline For Iran Passenger Plane

Story By: Michael Leidig, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  A German Eurofighter jet travelling at supersonic speeds was set to intercept an Airbus A330 from Iran Air heading to Hamburg after air traffic control failed to contact the civilian plane. Panicked locals on the ground who heard what sounded like an explosion…

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Read more about the article Putin Flexes Muscles In New Military Tests
Pic Shows: Russian military using heavy artillery that was described by Stalin as the "god of war"; Vladimir Putin has flexed his military muscles by testing Russia’s self-propelled artillery system which can fire nuclear ammunition.

Putin Flexes Muscles In New Military Tests

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder,Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@RussianDefenseMinistry Vladimir Putin has flexed his military muscles by testing Russia’s self-propelled artillery system which can fire nuclear ammunition. The military tests took place in the Kuzbass region, in south-central Russia’s Kemerovo Oblast region and saw the 203-mm self-propelled artillery systems 2S7M…

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