Read more about the article Russia Artillery Units Defeat Tank Division In War Games
Pic Shows: Russian military played a large-scale battle with a tank armada; This is the moment a Russian artillery unit prevents a tank division from advancing with missile launchers and howitzers during a round of war games.

Russia Artillery Units Defeat Tank Division In War Games

Newsflash/Western Military District This is the moment a Russian artillery unit prevents a tank division from advancing with missile launchers and howitzers during a round of war games. The training exercises were filmed at the Pogonovo training ground in the district of Khokholsky in the south-western Russian region of Voronezh…

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Read more about the article Moment Russia Fighter Jets Take To Skies For War Games
Pic Shows: Pilots demonstrated combat capabilities of the latest fifth generation fighters; This is the ‘Top Gun’ moment Russian pilots take to the skies in stealth fighter jets to show off their aerial skills during war-game exercises.

Moment Russia Fighter Jets Take To Skies For War Games

Newsflash/Russian Defense Ministry This is the ‘Top Gun’ moment Russian pilots take to the skies in stealth fighter jets to show off their aerial skills during war-game exercises. The Russian Ministry of Defence shared footage of pilots performing aerobatics in single-seat Sukhoi SU-57 jet fighters. According to the Ministry, the…

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Read more about the article Moment Russia Special Ops Smash Credit Card Fraud Gang
Pic Shows: FSB has covered the largest network of merchants with stolen bank cards; This is the dramatic moment Russian special forces scale the outside of a building before smashing their way through a balcony door to arrest a gang of alleged credit card fraudsters.

Moment Russia Special Ops Smash Credit Card Fraud Gang

Newsflash/ This is the dramatic moment Russian special forces scale the outside of a building before smashing their way through a balcony door to arrest a gang of alleged credit card fraudsters. The operation was conducted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB), previously known as the…

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Read more about the article From Russia With Love: Moment COVID Aid Lands In Italy
Picture Credit: Newsflash/Russian Defense Ministry

From Russia With Love: Moment COVID Aid Lands In Italy Video Credit: Newsflash/Russian Defense Ministry This is the moment a Russian military aircraft arrives in Italy with virologists and medical equipment to help their counterparts fight the COVID-19 virus. The Ilyushin Il-76, a Russian multi-purpose four-engine turbofan strategic airlifter, landed at the Pratica di Mare Air Base outside the…

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Read more about the article Moment Soldiers Blow Up Frozen River To Prevent Floods
Pic Shows: Military engineers began blowing up the ice on the river; This is the moment Russian soldiers carry out a controlled explosion on a frozen river to prevent flooding.

Moment Soldiers Blow Up Frozen River To Prevent Floods

Newsflash/@mil This is the moment Russian soldiers carry out a huge explosion on a frozen river to clear ice and prevent flooding. The controlled detonation took place on the River Urshak in the district of Chishminsky located in the south-western Russian republic of Bashkortostan and the footage was shared on…

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