Muslim Teenagers Topless Photo Causes Outrage

Story By: Roksana Panashchuk, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News Picture Credits: CEN A teenage girl has caused outrage by posting a photo of her dressed in traditional Muslim garb alongside another showing her topless. Shirin Narchaeva, who comes from Kazakhstan, shared the controversial photo online to gain more…

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Read more about the article Beauty Pageant Winner Slammed By Russian Internet Trolls
Pic shows: Ekaterina Lifshyts (center) just after winning the crown This it the winner of a beauty pageant who has been slammed by internet trolls who say she is not good looking enough, with one describing her as "uglier than an atomic war" online. The mean critics lined up to slam the decision to crown mother-of-two Ekaterina Lifshyts, 35, as the winner of the 'Mrs Moscow 2018' annual beauty pageant held in the Russian capital city Moscow. Lifshyts was chosen as the most beautiful of the 14 contestants in the pageant held in the 'Orion Hall', one of the most popular music-halls in the city. All of the contestants were married women with children. After the pictures of the winner were psoted online, her appearance was strongly criticised by netizens. Sosial media user 'Valery Spirin' said: "What an ugly winner! What a shame!" And 'Vadim Yuzefovich' added: "She is uglier than an atomic war." While 'Vladimir Kalyuzhny' commented: "She went too far with botox and her look is ugly." 'Mikhail Romanov' wrote: "She could take part in a horror movie without makeup." And 'El Gur' said: "She is ugly and her lips are overdosed with fillers. How could they choose her to be the Mrs of Moscow? I do not get it." Lifshyts graduated from Kyiv National University of Culture and Art located in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. After she moved to Moscow and started working as a hairdresser. She is married to Evgeny Lifshyts, who is a successful IT specialist and they have an eight-year-old twin sons together. After becoming a mother, Ekaterina gave up her job and devoted herself to raising children. She is said to like sport and cooking. Neither the pageant nor Lifshyts have commented on the criticism.

Beauty Pageant Winner Slammed By Russian Internet Trolls

Story By: Roksana Panashchuk, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News This it the winner of a beauty pageant who has been slammed by internet trolls who say she is not good looking enough, with one describing her as "uglier than an atomic war" online. The mean critics lined up to…

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Read more about the article Dog Protects Cute Toddler From Pretend-Scolding Dad
Pic Shows: A father pretending to scold his daughter gets threatened by their dog who protects the little toddler and doesn't allow the father to approach her; This is the moment a family dog steps in to protect a toddler from her dad who is pretending to be annoyed with her. Bulent Yenilmez and Juliana Spaseska Yenilmez adopted Tequila the dog two and a half years ago when they found the stray on a cold winter’s day in Ankara, Turkey’s north-western capital. The dog was more than happy when the couple welcomed little daughter Lara into the family, where Tequila has reportedly become her best friend but also protector, as seen in the footage. In the Facebook video, Bulent is seen picking up a discarded toy and pretending to be angry about it. He clears his throat and says in a stern voice: "Lara, why is this toy here?" Before Bulent can say another word, Tequila dashes into the room at the sound of his strict tone. The dog then goes to sit down next to Lara to protect the tot. Bulent continues to pretend-scold his young daughter saying: "Did you throw it on the floor?" Tequila immediately starts to growl and bark at the stern dad. He says: "Didn’t I tell you to pick up your toys? Lara, look at me." As Bulent steps closer to his daughter, Tequila continues to growl at him and the mother says in English: "Be careful, she might bite you." True to her word, the protective dog snarls and snaps at Bulent and he has to take a step back. Every time he tries to castigate his toddler daughter, Tequila starts barking and cuts him short. The video ends with a cute close up of Lara, and her dad giving Tequila a friendly stroke. Netizen ‘Ozzy Crane’ said: "I want a dog like that!" ‘Hidayet Torgay’ commented: "Excellent! But be careful it doesn’t bite you." ‘Cengiz Kacan’ wrote: "One word, perfect!"

Dog Protects Cute Toddler From Pretend-Scolding Dad

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a family dog steps in to protect a toddler from her dad who is pretending to be annoyed with her. Bulent Yenilmez and Juliana Spaseska Yenilmez adopted Tequila the dog two and…

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Emily The Hilarious Singing Donkey Is Internet Hit

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/RESQ CHARITABLE TRUST This is the hilarious moment an adorable singing donkey called Emily hits the high notes and becomes an internet sensation. Emily the donkey was rescued by a charitable organisation recently and now lives in Pune, a…

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Sumo Wrestlers In Production Line Palm Prints For Fans

Story By: Aloysius Fernandes, Sub-Editor: Francis George, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire/@sumokyokai This sumo wrestler with massive hands does not need to worry about getting to grips with a pen to sign autographs – he simply uses his palm print instead. And in order to maximise the speed…

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