Read more about the article Have-A-Go Kid Kicks Cruel Dad For Slamming Pup On Floor
Pic Shows: The puppy at the veterinary clinic; This is the moment a girl pushes and kicks her dad in anger after he slams their sick puppy onto the floor at the vets because it costs too much to treat.

Have-A-Go Kid Kicks Cruel Dad For Slamming Pup On Floor

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a girl pushes and kicks her dad in anger after he slams their sick puppy onto the floor at the vets because it costs too much to treat. The incident took place at a veterinary clinic…

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Read more about the article Endangered Iberian Lynx Killed By Poachers
Pic shows: The lynx cubs playing around with the mum in the mountains. SPAIN: This is the moment four cute endangered Iberian lynx kittens suckle from their mother and play around with each other in a forest.

Endangered Iberian Lynx Killed By Poachers

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit:CEN This heartbreaking image shows an endangered Iberian lynx which has been killed in a trap set by hunters as eight of the protected animals have been killed his year. Of the eight killed, one of the dead lynx made headlines when…

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Read more about the article Woman Holds Dog By Hind Legs And Smashes It Against Door
Pic Shows: The woman from Moscow beating her dog on the door of the house entrance; This is the shocking moment a dog owner was filmed picking her pet by the back legs and bashing it against the door of her house.

Woman Holds Dog By Hind Legs And Smashes It Against Door

Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@KiraSubina This is the shocking moment a dog owner picks her pet up by its hind legs and bashes it against her front door. The incident was filmed in the Russian capital Moscow, where the young woman, identified in local media…

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Read more about the article Turkish Hen Lays Weird Egg In An Egg
Pic Shows: Egg in an egg; These images show the bizarre egg inside an egg that a hen in Turkey has laid.

Turkish Hen Lays Weird Egg In An Egg

Story By: Peotr Tulba, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report These images show the bizarre egg inside an egg that has bamboozled vets after a hen in Turkey laid it. The startling incident took place on a farm in the city of Bursa in western Turkey’s Marmara region and local vets are now studying…

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Read more about the article Brave Cat Battles And Kills Snake In Car Park Fight
Pic shows: Cat killed a snake that alarmed visitors to the shopping center. This is the moment a stray cat attacks a snake which had escaped from a petting zoo and the moggy wins the battle with the serpent before dragging it away in its mouth.

Brave Cat Battles And Kills Snake In Car Park Fight

Story By: Anna Guran, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@Russia24 This is the moment a cat battles to the death with a snake which escaped from a petting zoo before the moggy manages to kill the lunging reptile and drags it away in its mouth.…

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