Read more about the article Moment Wolf Comes Across Huge Dozing Bear In Forest
Pic Shows: The bear and wolf meeting each other; This is the moment a wolf comes across a dozing bear in the middle of a Russian forest and quickly scarpers out of its way.

Moment Wolf Comes Across Huge Dozing Bear In Forest

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@mprrk10 This is the moment a wolf comes across a dozing bear in the middle of a Russian forest and quickly scarpers out of its way. The incident was captured by a motion-activated camera set up in the forest near the village of Chelmuzhi in…

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Read more about the article White Horse Walks Into Bank To Withdraw Cash With Owner
Pic shows: The horse in the bank with its owner. This bizarre image shows a horse owner who took his animal into a bank with him to withdraw cash because he was scared thieves would steal it.

White Horse Walks Into Bank To Withdraw Cash With Owner

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News This image shows how a white horse walked into a bank with its owner to withdraw some cash from an ATM. The startling photo was taken inside a branch of the Itau bank in the town of Varzea Paulista in the south-eastern Brazilian state of Sao…

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Read more about the article Horror Images As Police Dog Bites Off Mans Nose At BBQ
Pic Shows: Lukas Schifferl after the atttack; These are the horrific injuries suffered by an Austrian man after half of his nose was bitten off by a police dog and had to be reattached twice before it could be saved.

Horror Images As Police Dog Bites Off Mans Nose At BBQ

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT These are the injuries suffered by an Austrian man after half of his nose was bitten off at a barbecue by a police dog and had to be reattached twice before it could be saved. The incident happened when the victim, Lukas Schifferl, was…

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Read more about the article Poor Pooch Has Wheelchair Stolen By Heartless Thieves
Pic Shows: Rocky's party advertisement; Cruel thieves have stolen this injured pooch’s wheelchair and left it in the street unable to walk.

Poor Pooch Has Wheelchair Stolen By Heartless Thieves

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Cruel thieves have stolen this injured pooch’s wheelchair and left the helpless animal in the street unable to walk. The incident took place in the city of Chimbote in the province of Santa in the northern Pacific coast of Peru when the wheelchair which had been paid…

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Read more about the article Mourning Pup Cries Over Dead Pals Body And Wont Leave
Pic Shows: Mr Xiong finding the puppy crying over its dead friend; This heartbreaking video - seen over five million times - shows a stray puppy crying over the body of its dead friend and refusing to leave as a pedestrian comes to help.

Mourning Pup Cries Over Dead Pals Body And Wont Leave

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This video - seen over five million times - shows a stray puppy crying over the body of its dead friend and apparently refusing to leave his pal as a pedestrian comes to help. Mr Xiong, the man who found the two dogs,…

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