Cambodian Man Kills GFs Son In Drug-Fuelled Rage

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  • Post category:Crime

Story ByLee Bullen, Sub EditorJoseph Golder, AgencyNewsflash

A Cambodian builder has been arrested for killing his girlfriend’s three-year-old son in an alleged drug-fuelled rage.

The incident took place in a rented home in the village of Chong Kaosou near the city of Siem Reap in the north-western Cambodian province of the same name at around 1am on 9 November.

Local builder Khoeun Villa, 28, has been arrested on suspicion of killing his girlfriend’s young son.


While Doeur Sopha, 21, was washing clothes, she heard her son suddenly scream and found him lying face-down on the bed in a pool of blood while her partner was holding a large blade in his hand.

He apparently fled the scene on a bike, but was promptly caught by groups of villagers organised by two community heads.

The police then took the suspect into custody.


According to Cambodia News English, Villa told officers that he was disorientated and could not remember what had happened.

A subsequent drug test later proved positive, according to reports.

The investigation continues.

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